Roosting Areas for Butterflies

by Donald Ray Burger
Attorney at Law

Butterflies are active only when it is warm--typically between mid-morning and late afternoon. When it is cool, cloudy, rainy or dark, they need a roosting area.

The undersides of leaves provide such an area. One can also create such an area artifically. An easy way is described in How to Attract Hummingbirds and Butterflies by Dennis and Tekulsky. A butterfly log house is created by stacking 3 to 4 inch diameter logs in a pile.

Before beginning, dig out the area where you will make the log house and replace the soil with well draining sand or gravel. This will help keep mosquitoes from breeding in any standing water that would otherwise collect under the pile.

The logs should be 3 to 6 feet long. Each layer is perpendicular to the one below. Make the pile 3 to 5 feet high. Put a layer of plastic over the second to last layer to keep water out. Camouflage the plastic with the top layer of logs.

Butterflies will roost in the many crevices you have created. Place nectar plants around the log pile to attract the butterflies.

Butterfly houses are also available in which butterflies may roost and/or hibernate. Be sure to place such houses in the shade so the butterflies will not become overheated while inside.

Last revised September 3, 1996

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