Several studies have shown that zinc has the power to lessen cold symptoms and shorten the duration of a cold. The form of zinc used to conduct these double-blind studies is found in a product called Cold-Eeze.
Just before Christmas I felt a cold coming on. I bought a box of 18 cold-eeze tablets and began taking one every three hours while I was awake. In three days I had gone through the box. In three and one-half days I was over my cold. Of course, one never knows how bad a cold one might otherwise have had. But I was impressed enough to recommend this product. Since then I have had several occasions to use Cold-Eze. It is my firm opinion that this product will lesson the severity of a cold so long as you take the tablets when symptons first begin. The tablets have a pleasant cherry flavor and are relatively cheap for cold relief products. Give Cold-Eeze a try.
Cold-Eeze is manufactured by The Quigley Corporation.