Common to all members is the use of "G" gauge track. Unique among Houston area model railroad clubs is the presence of couples at the meetings.
This is a very friendly club. Visitors and new members are immediately made at ease. Meetings are usually on the second Sunday of the month from 2 to 5 p.m. at one of the member's home. Annual dues are $25.00.
To join send a check for $25.00 payable to Houston Area "G" Gaugers to: P.O. Box 1383, Stafford, Texas 77497-1383.
Click here to visit the HAGG Home Page.
To pick up a copy of the Club's newsletter, the Houston Area "G" Gauger visit Mike's Hobby Shop, 212 Main Street in Humble, Texas. Their phone numbers are (713) 446 7550 or (713) 446 8909 and (800) 724 5386. The shop is located in Old Down Town Humble, just north of Houston Intercontinental Airport. They have an excellent selection of large scale products and both Mike and Rusty are knowledgeable about their merchandise.
Come join us for our next meeting. We'd love to meet you.
Written by Donald Ray Burger
The local club for large scale model railroaders in the Houston area is the Houston Area "G" Gaugers Model Railroad Club. The Club has been in existence for several years. Members include those running LGB, Aristocraft, and live steam. In addition to live steam, DC, battery power and command control are used by various members. Some members have indoor railroads and most have outdoor railraods.
Attorney at Law
Last revised: September 12, 1998