The ARRL Field Day Handbook for Radio Amateurs, By Steve Ford, WB1ENT. 2010. Paperback. 142 pages. Acquired 6/13/17. First reading 6/25/17
The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual, Level 1 Technician, Third Edition by Ward Silver. N0AX. 2014. Paperback. Crazy page numbering system. Acquired 5/11/16; first reading 8/26/16.
The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual, Level 2 General, Third Edition by Ward Silver. N0AX. Crazy page numbering system.
The ARRL Handbook, 2017 Edition by ARRL. Hardback. Crazy page numbering system. Acquired 4/24/17.
The ARRL Operating Manual by ARRL. 2016. Paperback. Crazy page numbering system. Acquired 4/24/17.
The CW Geek's Guide to Having Fun with Morse Code, by Dan Romanchik. KB6NU. 2015. Paperback. 50 pages. Received 10/17/16; first reading 12/16/16.
The Fast Track to Your Technician Class Ham Radio License, by Michael Burnette, AF7KB. 2014. 296 pages. Aquired 5/23/16.
General Class FCC License Preparation for Element 3 General Class Theory, by Gordon West. WB6NOA. 2015. 240 pages. Acquired 8/31/16.
General License Course, by Stu Turner. W0STU. 2016. Ham Radio Paperback. 282 pages. Acquired 4/21/2017.
Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur, by H. Ward Silver. N0AX. 2017. Paperback. Crazy page numbers. Acquired 4/24/2017.
Ham and Short Wave Radio for the Electronics Hobbyist, by Stan Gibilisco. W1GV. 2015. Paperback. 299 pages. Acquired 4/15/2017.
Ham Radio for Dummies, Second Edition, by H. Ward Silver. 2013. Paperback. 358 pages. Acquired 4/29/16. First reading 2016.
Ham Radio Go Bag, by Max Cooper. 2015. Self Published. Paperback. 132 pages.
Morse Code for Radio Amateurs, by Roger Cooke. G3LDI. Paperback. 60 pages. Acquired 4/24/17.
No Nonsense General Class License Study Guide, by Dan Romanchik. KB6NU. 2015. Paperback. 96 pages.
Pass Your Amateur Radio Technician Class Test the Easy Way, by Craig "Buck" K4IA. Paperback. 135 pages.
Personal Emergency Communications, by Andrew Baze. Paperback. Self Published. Aquired 10/21/16
Propagation and Radio Science: Exploring the Magic of Wireless Communication, by Eric P. Nichols. KL7AJ. 2015. ARRL. Paperback. Uses the crazy ARRL page numbering system. Acquired 8/14/17.
Technician Class FCC License Preparation for Element 2 Technician Class Theory, by Gordon West. WB6NOA. 2014. 243 pages. Acquired 5/23/16. First reading 2016.
21 Things to Do after You Get Your Amateur Radio License, by Dan Romanchik (KB6NU). 2015. Paperback. Self Published. Aquired 10/17/16.
Your First Amateur Radio HF Station, by Steve Ford, WB8IMY. 2014. ARRL. Paperback. 52 pages. Aquired 12/14/16. First reading 6/25/17.