My Favorite Roses in Houston
by Donald Ray Burger
Attorney at Law

Not all roses like our heat and humidity. And some are more prone to black spot than others. Below are my recommendations for easy-to-grow roses for this area (roses in bold are EarthKind roses):





Easy Roses for Houston

Name: Type (color) [petal count] Year Introduced. (H x W) (ARS rating)
1. Archduke Charles: China (red blend) [17-25] Before 1837. (5 x 3) (8.5)
2. Belinda’s Dream: Shrub (medium pink) [20-30] 1922. (4 x 3) (8.5)
3. Caldwell Pink: (now reclassified as Pink Pet) China (medium pink)[17-25] 1928. (3 x 5) (8.6)
4. Cramoisi Sup rieur: China (medium red) [17-25] 1832. (5 x 5) (8.7)
5. Dortmund: Hybrid Kordesii (medium red) [4-8]1955. (8 x 6) (9.1)
6. Double Knock Out: Shrub (medium red) [26-40] 2004. (3 x 4) 8.2
7. Duchesse de Brabant: Tea Rose (light pink) [45] 1857. (8 x 4) (8.6)
8. Green Rose: China (green). [17-25] Before 1856. (3 x 3) (7.9)
9. Highway 290 Pink Buttons: Found Rose (medium pink) (2 x 2)
10. Iceberg: Floribunda (white) [20-25] 1959. (3 x 3) (8.7)
11. Katy Road Pink: (now reclassified as Carefree Beauty) Shrub (pink)[15-20]1979. (6 x 6) (8.6)
12. Knock Out: Shrub (neon red) [4-8] 1999. (4 x 3) (8.6)
13. Louis Philippe: China (red blend) [17-25] 1834. (6 x 3) (8.7)
14. Martha Gonzales: Found rose (medium red blend) (3 x 3)
15. Mrs. B. R. Cant: Tea Rose (medium pink) [17-25] 1901. (5 x 5) (8.9)
16. Mrs. Dudley Cross: Tea Rose (yellow blend) [17-25] 1908. (5 x 4) (8.4)
17. Mutabilis: China (yellow blend). [4-8] Before 1894. (8 x 6) (8.9)
18. The Fairy: Polyantha (light pink) [17-25] 1932. (2 x 3) (8.7)
19. Old Blush: China (medium pink) [9-16] 1951. (5 x 3) (8.7)

Fairly Easy Roses for Houston

1. Veteran’s Honor: Hybrid Tea (dark red) [25-30] 1999. (5 x 3) (8.1)
2. Don Juan: Large Climber (dark red) [30-35] 1958. (6 x 8) (8.2)
3. Fourth of July: Large Climber (red blend with white stripes) [10-16] 1999. (8 x 8) (8.1)
4. Chryster Imperial: Hybrid Tea (dark red) [41+]1958. (5 x 3) (7.8)
5. Angel Face: Floribunda (mauve) [25-30] 1968. (3 x 2) (7.7)
6. Julia Child: Floribunda (medium yellow) [26-40] 2005. (2-1/2 x 2-1/2) (8.0)
7. Lavaglut: Floribunda (dark red) [24] 1979. (3 x 3) (8.7)
8. Europeana: Floribunda (dark red) [25-30] 1964. (3 x 2) (8.6)
9. Valentine: Floribunda (medium red) [18] 1951. (3 x 3) (6.8)
10. Ducher: China (white) [17-25] 1869. (5 x 4) (8.4)
11. La Marne: Polyantha (pink blend). [4-8] Single 1915. (5 x 3) (8.7)
12. Marie Daly: Polyantha (medium pink) [17-25] 1999. (3 x 3) (7.6)
13. Adam’s Smile: Miniature (deep pink) [23] 1987. (2 x 1) (7.7)
14. Amy Grant: Mini Flora (light pink) [17-25] 1998. (2 x 1) (7.5)
15. Fairhope: Miniature (light yellow) [16-28] 1989. (2 x 1) (8.2)
16. Green Ice: Miniature (white). [17-25] Double 1971. (2 x 1) (8.0)
17. Hot Tamale: Miniature (yellow blend) [26-40] 1993. (2 x 1) (8.3)
18. Memphis Queen: Miniature (white) [41+] 1997. (2 x 1) (7.8)
19. Playgold: Miniature (orange blend) [9-16] 1997. (2 x 1) (7.7)
20. Rise n’ Shine: Miniature (medium yellow) [35] 1977. (2 x 1) (8.4) <

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