by Donald Ray Burger
Attorney at Law
Better Bush, Improved. Indeterminate. Good producer of large fruits.
Big Beef. Indeterminate. Large fruits that are crack resistant with great taste.
Carmello. Indeterminate. Very productive. Great taste.
Carnival. Determinate. Good producer. Good taste and large tomatoes.
Celebrity. Determinate. A very popular tomato for Houston.
Dona. Indeterminate. Always a solid producer in my garden. Great taste.
Floramerica. Indeterminate. Made for hot weather. Another very popular tomato for Houston.
Jet Star. Indeterminate. Very productive in my garden. Good flavor.
Wild Texas Tomato. Indeterminate. This is the most flavorful tomato I grow. The fruits are a little smaller than a marble, but packed with flavor. Usually the first and last tomato of the season. Reseeds freely. Don't miss this one.
Better Bush, Improved: Indeterminate. Good producer of large fruits.
Big Beef: Indeterminate. Very productive. Great taste.
Bingo: Determinate. Dark red color.
Camello: Indeterminate. Very productive. Great taste.
Carnival: Determinate. Good producer. Good taste and large tomatoes.
Celebrity: Determinate. Heavy producer. Very dependable in Houston.
Champion: Indeterminate. Bred as just the right size for a hamburger tomato.
Dona: Indeterminate. Always a solid producer in my garden. Great taste.
Jet Star: Indeterminate. Very productive in my garden. Good flavor.
Miracle Sweet: Indeterminate. Large plants. Great taste.
Sweet Chelsea: Indeterminate. Very sweet cherry tomato.
Terrific: Indeterminate. Good producer.
Wild Texas Tomato. Indeterminate. This is the most flavorful tomato I grow. The fruits are a little smaller than a marble, but packed with flavor. Usually the first and last tomato of the season. Reseeds freely. Don't miss this one.
Last revised July 25, 1999