Water Gardening in Houston
by Donald Ray Burger
Attorney at Law

We are on our second pond. Our first one was a small pre-formed pond and precast waterfall. It supported three goldfish and had great sound.

As of June 19, 2008, we have a wonderful liner pond in our backyard. It is approximately 8 x 16, with waterfall and bog filter. We seeded it with bacteria, and added ten small fish on Saturday, June 21, 2008. They all did well so we added nine more on June 28, 2008. And then Deborah brought us three goldfish from her aquarium on June 29th. The heron found the pond (or, rather, we discovered the heron eyeing the pond) on July 3, 2008. Read the pond blog for further adventures.

My Pond Blog

Stream of Consciousness: Random Thoughts on Water Gardening

My Heron Adventures in Houston

Whiskey Barrel Water Gardening


My Personal Index to the Now Defunct Water Gardening Magazine

My Personal Index of great pictures from Water Gardening Magazine

mail comments to burger@burger.com

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