Books I Own about Bees and Beekeeping
compiled by Donald Burger, Attorney at Law

The Beekeeper's Handbook, by Diana Sammataro and Alphonse Avitabile. Third Edition. 1998. Comstock Publishing Associates. Paperback. 190 pages.

ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture, by A.I. Root. 1975. A.I. Root Company. Hardback. 712 pages.

Beeing: Life, Motherhood, and 180,000 Honeybees, by Rosanne Daryl Thomas. 2002. The Lyons Press. Paperback. 228 pages.

Beekeeping: A Complete Owner's Manual, by Werner Melzer. 1989. Barron's. Paperback. 70 pages.

Beekeeping: A Practical Guide, by Richard E. Bonney. 1993. Storey Books. Paperback. 184 pages.

Beekeeping for Dummies, by Howland Blackiston. 2002. Hungry Minds, Inc. Paperback. 303 pages.

Bees in America: How the Honey Bee Shaped a Nation, by Tammy Horn. 2005. The University Press of Kentucky. Hardback. 333 pages.

A Book of Bees . . . and How to Keep Them, by Sue Hubbell. 1988. Random House. Hardback. 193 pages.

The Classroom: Beekeeping Questions and Answers, by Jerry Hayes. 1998. Dadant and Sons. Paperback. 310 pages.

Diagnosis of Honey Bee Diseases, by Hachiro Shimanuki and David A. Knox. 2000. USDA. Paperback. 57 pages.

First Lessons in Beekeeping, by C.P. Dadant. 1976. Eleventh Printing, 1997. Paperback. 130 pages.

From Where I Sit: Essays on Bees, Beekeeping and Science, by Mark L. Winston. 1998. Comstock Publishing Assocites. 171 pages.

The Honey Bee, by James L Gould and Carol Grant Gould. 1988. Scientific American Library. Hardback. 239 pages

Honey Bee Diseases & Pests, Second Edition, by C. Scott-Dupree, Editorial Chair. 1996. Canadian Association of Profession Apiculturists. Paperback. 25 pages.

Honey Bees & Beekeeping: A Year in the Life of an Apiary, by Keith S. Delaplane. 1993, 1996. The University of Georgia. Paperback. 138 pages.

Keeping Bees, by John Vivian. 1986. Williamson Publishing. Paperback. 238 pages.

Killer Bees: The Africanized Honey Bee in the Americas, by Mark L. Winston. 1992. Harvard University Press. Paperback. 162 pages.

The New Complete Guide to Beekeeping, by Roger A. Morse. 1994. The Countryman Press. Paperback. 207 pages.

Observation Hives: How to Set up, Maintain and Use a Window to the World of Honey Bees, by Thomas Webster and Dewey Caron. 1999. A.I. Root Company. Paperback. 108 pages.

The Queen and I: Step-by-Step Instructions for the Beginning Beekeeper, by Edward A. Weiss. 1978. E.A. Weiss and Company. Hardback. 204 pages.

The Queen Must Die: And Other Affairs of Bees and Men, by William Longgood. 1985. W.W. Norton & Company. Paperback. 234 pages.

A Recipe for Bees, by Gail Anderson-Dargatz. 1998. Anchor Books. Paperback. 305 pages.

Robbing the Bewes: A Biography of Honey--The Sweet Liquid Gold that Seduced the World, by Holley Bishop. 2005. Free Press. Paperback. 326 pages.

The Secret Life of Bees, by Sue Monk Kidd. 2002. Penguin Books. Paperback. 302 pages.

Sweetness & Light: The Mysterious History of the Honeybee, by Hattie Ellis. 2004. Harmony Books. Hardback. 243.

Last revised March 3, 2008

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