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Books of Interest to Students of NVC
by Donald Ray Burger
Attorney at Law

Being Me, Loving You: A Practical Guide to Extraordinary Relationships, by Marshall B. Rosenberg. Received 10/6/08; First reading 10/8/08. (A+)

Being Genuine: Stop Being Nice, Start Being Real, by Thomas D'Ansembourg. 2001, 2007. PuddleDancer Press. Paperback. 266 pages. Received 10/29/09.

The Compassionate Classroom: Relationship Based Teaching and Learning, by Sura Hart and Victoria Kindle Hodson. 2004. PuddleDancer Press. Paperback. 202 pages.

Connecting across Differences: A Guide to Compassionate, Nonviolent Communication, by Jane Marantz Connor, PhD and Dian Killian, PhD. 2005. Hungry Duck Press. Paperback. 375 pages. Received 10/29/09

Don't Be Nice, Be Real, by Kelly Bryson. 2010. Elite Books. Paperback. 327 pages. Received 9/10/2011.

Eat by Choice, Not by Habit: Practical Skills for Creating a Healthy Relationship with Your Body and Food, by Sylvia E. Haskivitz. 2005. PuddleDancer Press. Paperback. 122 pages.

The Empathy Factor: Your Competitive Advantage for Personal, Team, and Business Success, by Marie R. Miyashiro. 2011. PuddleDancer Press. Paperbook. 270 pages

Getting Past the Pain Between Us: Healing and Reconciliation Without Compromise, by Marshall B. Rosenberg. 2005. PuddleDancer Press. Paperback. 39 pages. Rec'd 10/21/08; first reading 10/31/08 (A)

The Giraffe Classroom: Where Teaching Is a Pleasure and Learning Is a Joy, by Nancy Sokol Green. 1991, 2001. Center for Nonviolent Communication. Paperback. 121 pages. Purchased 10/10/09

Graduating from Guilt: Six Steps to Overcome Guilt and Reclaim Your Life, by Holly Michelle Eckert. 2010. PuddleDancer Press. Paperback. 90 pages.

Growing Up in Trust, by Justine Mol. 2008. O Books. Paperbackk. 80 pages. Purchased 9/16/2011.

The Heart of Social Change: How You Can Make a Difference in Your World, by Marshall B. Rosenberg. 2005. PuddleDancer Press. Paperback. 46 pages.

Humanizing Health Care: Creating Cultures of Compassion with Nonviolent Communication, by lanie Sears. 2010. PuddleDancer Press. Paperback. 102 pages.

Life-Enriching Education, by Marshall B. Rosenberg. 2003. PuddleDancer. Paperback. 148 pages. Purchased 3/6/09; First reading 3/ 14/09 (A)

Living Nonviolent Communication: Practical Tools to Connect and Communicate Skillfully in Every Situation, by Marshall Rosenberg. 2012. Sounds True. Paperback. 170 pages.

The No-Fault Classroom: Tools to Resolve Conflicts & Foster Relationship Intelligence, by Sura Hart and Victoria Kindle Hodson. 2008. PuddleDancer Press. Paperback. 248 pages.

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Love, by Marshall B. Rosenberg. 2005. PuddleDancer Press. Paperback. 222 pages. Received 8/12/08; First reading 9/9/08 (A++); second reading 5/2/2012 (A++)

NVC Communication Basics: A Concise Overview of Nonviolent Communication, by Rachelle Lamb. 2005. Rachael Lamb Consulting. Paperback. 39 pages. Received 10/29/09

Parenting from Your Heart, by Inbal Kashtan. 2005. PuddleDancer Press. Paperback. 45 pages. Rec'd 11/5/08; first reading 11/15/08 (A); second reading 6/10/09 (A).

Peaceful Living: Daily Meditations for Living with Love, Healing, and Compassion, by Mary Mackenzie. 2005. Puddle Dancer Press. Paperback. 440 pages. Purchased 10/10/09. First reading 2/27/2011 (A plus, plus)

Practical Spirituality: Reflections on the Spiritual Basis of Nonviolent Communication, by Marshall B. Rosenberg. 2004. PuddleDancer Press. Paperback. 32 pages. Received 11/05/08; First reading 11/06/08 (A minus)

Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise, and Other Bribes, by Alfie Kohn. Houghton Mifflin. Paperback. 430 pages. Purchased 8/1/09.

Raising Children Compassionately: Parenting the Nonviolent Communication Way, by Marshall B. Rosenberg. 2005. PuddleDancer Press. Paperback. 23 pages. Recieved 10/21/08; First reading 10/22/08 (A)

Respectful Parents Respectful Kids: 7 Keys to Turn Family Conflict Into Co-Operation, by Sura Hart and Victoria Kindle Hodson. 2006. PuddleDancer Press. Paperback. 240 pages.

Speak Peace in a World of Conflict, by Marshall B. Rosenberg. 2005. PuddleDancer Press. Paperback. 175 pages. Received 11/05/08; First reading 11/19/08 (A)

Teaching Children Compassionately: How Students and Teachers Can Succeed with Mutual Understanding, by Marshall B. Rosenberg. 2005. PuddleDancer Press. Paperback. 41 pages. Rec'd 10/21/08; First reading 10/28/08 (A+)

We Can Work It Out: Resolving Conflicts Peacefully and Powerfully, by Marshall B. Rosenberg. 2005. PuddleDancer Press. Paperback. 23 pages. Rec'd 10/21/08; first reading 10/30/08 (A)

What's Making You Angry? by Shari Klein and Neill Gibson. 2005. PuddleDancer Press. Papeback. 26 pages. Received 11/05/08; First reading 6/29/09 (B)

What We Say Matters: Practicing Nonviolent Communication, by Judith Hanson Lasater and Ike K. Lasater. 2009. Rodmell Press. Paperback. 161 pages. Received 2/19/13. Words That Work in Business : A Practical Guide to Effective Communication in the Workplace, by Ike Lasater. 2010. PuddleDancer Press. Paperback. 138 pages. Purchased 1/20/11

Created July 29, 2009

Last revised: May 4, 2012

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